Thanksgiving Day
>> Thursday, November 27, 2008
When I return to my parents' home, I
a) watch too much tv
b) sleep a lot
c) read cooking magazines
d) enter a menagerie
e) acquire clothes from my sister
f) all of the above
That's right, f (all of the above) is clearly the correct answer. After all,
a) my parents have a tv, with cable, with lots of Law & Order and CSI.
b) for some reason my internal alarm clock shuts off when I return to my childhood bed; whereas in my apartment, I wake up around the same time every day whether I like it or not, back here I manage to sleep a lot later.
c) several piles of cooking magazines greet me when I get home...lots of dishes over which to salivate...a risotto with feta is looking good...
d) there are many animals here:
e) my sister likes to shop; I don't. She gets rid of things; I acquire (some of) them. Good times.
I think I managed to do all of the above items while also helping cook several of today's side dishes. While cooking, my brother and I had the following, now classic and somewhat ritualistic exchange:
brother: Turkey is so good, how can you not want to eat it?
me: I leave the meat to you. You should be grateful -- you get to eat all the meat that I don't touch.
brother: But meat is so good. There's enough meat in the world for both of us to eat it.
me: It's so nice of you to look out for me, but I'm happy with the non-meat options. Besides, if we had a vegetarian meal, we could have ice cream with the apple crisp, and that would be better than turkey.
brother: No it wouldn't, and since that's not an option, why not eat the meat?
me: It's all yours.
Somehow I think this conversation will continue to repeat itself...
On a crafty note, being home affords me the opportunity to take pictures of the first quilt I ever made. Pictures and a post coming soon.
How wonderful that you got to go home for Thanksgiving. Now the real question: what's with the animal names?
I promise to post about the animal names at another time. Suffice it to say that the alcoholic animal names are a relatively recent development.
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