Items Complete and Not-So-Complete

>> Monday, October 17, 2011

A week ago Sunday I pulled out the "Sukkah kit" out of the garage, stared at the pieces, and started building. About an hour later, I had the basic structure and walls put together, admittedly a tad awry (that's what happens when you fly solo on building things and then get a little lazy: the doorway was a little crooked, but that affected neither structural integrity nor useability. Aesthetics, yes, but I was too lazy to do any more than mumble about that). What is this "sukkah" thing? Well, some of my friends have taken to calling it my "fort," which works, although I'm not sure it would do me much good in the face of marauding enemies. At its most basic, a sukkah is a temporary dwelling that commemorates the transient shelter used by the Israelites in the desert. But Sukkot, the 7-day festival for which we build the Sukkah, is also a harvest festival, and a joyous one at that. So there are decorations and parties and general merriment.

At one point I thought I'd make a reusable fabric chain, sort of like Malka did. But time got the best of me, and paper chains it was. My friend Katie and I made the chains yesterday, just in time for our afternoon Sukkah party. We used pretty paper, though. And hung red lanterns and decorated tables with gourds and put out lots of food. The weather even cooperated, as the gloomy morning turned into a lovely, sunny fall afternoon.

The not-made fabric chains had company in the not-finished project department. I also thought about--and even started--a mini-quilt or table runner or something. But that was not to be as I pieced the top but got no further. But that's ok because I have another plan in mind for this flimsy and I think I might even like the new idea better than the old one.


1 Lesly October 17, 2011 at 11:39 AM  

Chag sameach! Love your red lanterns! I saw those fabric chains, too, and thought what a good idea. But they did not get made in this house either.

2 Quilting Corner October 17, 2011 at 12:41 PM  

Your Succah is wonderful. Chag Semach.

3 Karissa October 17, 2011 at 2:48 PM  

Nice all around! And sometimes those things are not so much "unfinished" as "waiting for improvements"! Can't wait to see the finished product! The gray really makes those colors pop!

4 sews1128 October 17, 2011 at 10:27 PM  

Chag Sameach! The succah you inspired 25 years ago is still functional! A guest brought us ribbon chains as I had remarked that I had no young children to make colorful paper chains!! I will save these for the future--you, too, could make them...maybe next year.

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